Not all former romantic partners with children are at odds. According to the Stepfamily Foundation, one out of two marriages end in divorce and sixty-six percent of couples that live together or are remarried will break up when children are involved. Frank Love notes, “It is very possible for co-parents to successfully work together raising their children.” To promote effective co-parenting, relationship expert, Frank Love created the Co-Parenting Awards.

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Co-Parenting Awards Press Release

Fatherlessness is harder on Father’s Day, but ‘father figures,’ other role models fill in

Father’s Day is different when there’s no father around. “What do these days mean to children like me who had to grow up without one parent in their lives?” asks Louis Steptoe, 18, who just graduated from high school here. Instead, he celebrates what he calls “Father Figure Day” and honors his godfather, William Ford, who “was always present.” Kaylynn Tobin, 12, of Rockville, Maryland, met her father only once, years ago, and barely remembers him. Her sister Aras, 10, has a different father and sometimes gets gifts from him. But she doesn’t have a good relationship with her father.

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The Co-Parenting Awards